Source code for lexor.core.writer

"""Writer Module

Provides the `Writer` object which defines the basic mechanism for
writing the objects defined in `lexor.core.elements`. This involves
using objects derived from the abstract class `NodeWriter`. See
`` for more information on how to write objects derived
from `NodeWriter` to be able to write `Documents` in the way you


import re
from cStringIO import StringIO
from lexor.command.lang import get_style_module
from lexor.command import config
RE = re.compile(" ")

def _replacer(*key_val):
    """Helper function for replace.

    Source: <>
    replace_dict = dict(key_val)
    replacement_function = lambda match: replace_dict[]
    pattern = re.compile("|".join([re.escape(k) for k, _ in key_val]), re.M)
    return lambda string: pattern.sub(replacement_function, string)

[docs]def replace(string, *key_val): """Replacement of strings done in one pass. Example: >>> replace("a < b && b < c", ('<', '&lt;'), ('&', '&amp;')) 'a &lt; b &amp;&amp; b &lt; c' Source: <> """ return _replacer(*key_val)(string)
[docs]def find_whitespace(line, start, lim): """Attempts to find the index of the first whitespace before lim, if its not found, then it looks ahead. """ index = line.rfind(' ', start, lim+1) if index != -1: return index index = line.find(' ', lim) if index != -1: return index return len(line)
[docs]class NodeWriter(object): """A node writer is an object which writes a node in three steps: `start`, `data/child`, `end`. """ def __init__(self, writer): """A `NodeWriter` needs to be initialized with a writer object. If this method is to be overloaded then make sure that it only accepts one parameter: `writer`. This method is used by `Writer` and it calls it with itself as the parameter. """ self.writer = writer
[docs] def write(self, string, split=False): """Writes the string to a file object. The file object is determined by the `Writer` object that initialized this object (`self`). """ self.writer.write_str(string, split)
[docs] def start(self, node): """Overload this method to write part of the `Node` object in the first encounter with the `Node`. """ pass
[docs] def data(self, node): """This method gets called only by `CharacterData` nodes. This method should be overloaded to write their attribute `data`, otherwise it will write the node's data as it is. """ self.writer.write_str(
[docs] def child(cls, _): """This method gets called for `Elements` that have children. If it gets overwritten then it will not traverse through child nodes unless you return something other than None. This method by default returns `True` so that the `Writer` can traverse through the child nodes. """ return True
[docs] def end(self, node): """Overload this method to write part of the `Node` object in the last encounter with the `Node`. """ pass
[docs]class DefaultWriter(NodeWriter): """If the language does not define a NodeWriter for __default__ then the writer will use this default writer. """
[docs] def start(self, node): """Write the start of the node as a xml tag. """ att = ' '.join(['%s="%s"' % (k, v) for k, v in node.items()]) if att != '': self.write('<%s %s>' % (, att)) else: self.write('<%s>' %
[docs] def end(self, node): """Write the end of the node as an xml end tag. """ self.write('</%s>' % # The default of 7 attributes for class is too restrictive. # pylint: disable=R0902
[docs]class Writer(object): """To see the languages in which a `Writer` object is able to write see the `lexor.lang` module. """ def __init__(self, lang='xml', style='default', defaults=None): """Create a new `Writer` by specifying the language and the style in which `Node` objects will be written. """ if defaults is None: defaults = dict() self.defaults = defaults self.style_module = None self._lang = lang self._style = style self._filename = None self._file = None # Points to a file object self._nw = None # Array of NodeWriters self._reload = True # Create new NodeWriters self._raw = None self._wrap = None self._buffer = None self._break_hint = None self._indent = None self._indent_empty = None self.pos = None self.width = None self.root = None # The node to be written self.prev_str = None # Reference to the last string printed @property
[docs] def filename(self): """READ-ONLY: The name of the file to which a `Node` object was last written to. """ return self._filename
@property def language(self): """The language in which the `Writer` writes `Node` objects. """ return self._lang @language.setter
[docs] def language(self, value): """_lang setter method. """ self._lang = value self._reload = True
@property def indent(self): """The indentation at the beginning of each line. """ return self._indent @indent.setter
[docs] def indent(self, value): """_indent setter method. """ self.flush_buffer(tail=False) self._indent = value
@property def writing_style(self): """The style in which the `Writer` writes a `Node` object. """ return self._style @writing_style.setter
[docs] def writing_style(self, value): """_style setter method. """ self._style = value self._reload = True
@property def string_buffer(self): """The current string buffer. This is the string that will be printed after its length exceeds the writer's width. """ return self._buffer @string_buffer.setter
[docs] def string_buffer(self, value): """_indent setter method. """ self._buffer = value
[docs] def set(self, lang, style, defaults=None): """Set the language and style in one call. """ self._style = style self._lang = lang self.defaults = defaults self._reload = True
def __str__(self): """Attempts to retrieve the last written string. """ if self._filename is None and self._file is not None: return self._file.getvalue() if self._filename is not None: tmp = open(self._filename, 'r') val = tmp.close() return val return None def _write_str(self, string): """Helper function for write_str. """ if string != '': self.prev_str = string self._file.write(string) nlines = string.count('\n') self.pos[0] += nlines if nlines > 0: self.pos[1] = len(string) - string.rfind('\n') else: self.pos[1] += len(string)
[docs] def write_str(self, string, split=False): """The write function is meant to be used with Node objects. Use this function to write simple strings while the file descriptor is open. """ if self._raw: self._write_str(string) return if not self._wrap: if self._indent != '': lines = string.split('\n') if self.pos[1] == 1: if lines[0] != '' or self._indent_empty: lines[0] = self._indent + lines[0] for num in range(1, len(lines)): if lines[num] != '' or self._indent_empty: lines[num] = self._indent + lines[num] self._write_str('\n'.join(lines)) else: self._write_str(string) return if split: self._break_hint.append(string) lines = string.split('\n') num = 0 while num < len(lines) - 1: self._buffer += lines[num] self.normalize_buffer() self.flush_buffer() self._write_str('\n') num += 1 self._buffer += lines[num] self.normalize_buffer()
[docs] def flush_buffer(self, tail=True): """Empty the contents of the buffer. """ if not tail and self._buffer.endswith(' '): self._buffer = self._buffer[:-1] if self.pos[1] == 1: if self._buffer.startswith(' '): self._buffer = self._buffer[1:] if self._buffer != '': self._write_str(self._indent + self._buffer) elif self._indent_empty: self._write_str(self._indent) else: self._write_str(self._buffer) self._buffer = ''
[docs] def normalize_buffer(self): """The term normalize means that the length of the buffer will be less than or equal to the wrapping width. Anything that exceeds the limit will be flushed. """ line = self._buffer indent = self._indent if self.pos[1] > 1: indent = '' limit = self.width - self.pos[1] - len(indent) + 1 while len(line) > limit: start = 0 if line[start] == ' ': start += 1 end = find_whitespace(line, start, limit) while self._break_hint: index = line.find(self._break_hint[0], start) del self._break_hint[0] if index > -1 and index <= limit: if end > limit or index > end: end = index if end == len(line): break self._write_str(indent + line[start:end] + '\n') if line[end:end+1] == ' ': line = line[end+1:] else: line = line[end:] indent = self._indent limit = self.width - self.pos[1] - len(indent) + 1 self._buffer = line
[docs] def enable_wrap(self): """Use this to set the writing in wrapping mode. """ self._wrap = True
[docs] def disable_wrap(self): """Turn off wrapping. """ self.flush_buffer() self._wrap = False
[docs] def enable_raw(self): """Use this to set the writing in raw mode. """ self.flush_buffer() self._raw = True
[docs] def disable_raw(self): """Turn off raw mode. """ self._raw = False
[docs] def raw_enabled(self): """Determine if raw mode is enabled or not. """ return self._raw
[docs] def wrap_enabled(self): """Determine if wrap mode is enabled or not. """ return self._wrap
[docs] def endl(self, force=True, tot=1, tail=False): """Insert a new line character. By setting `force` to False you may omit inserting a new line character if the last character printed was already the new line character.""" prev_str = self.last() self.flush_buffer(tail) if force or (not prev_str.endswith('\n') and prev_str != self._indent): self._write_str('\n'*tot)
[docs] def last(self): """Returns the last written string with the contents of the buffer. """ if self.pos[1] == 1 and self._buffer.startswith(' '): return self.prev_str + self._buffer[1:] return self.prev_str + self._buffer
[docs] def write(self, node, filename=None, mode='w'): """Write node to a file or string. To write to a string use the default parameters, otherwise provide a file name. If filename is provided you have the option of specifying the mode: 'w' or 'a'. You may also provide a file you may have opened yourself in place of filename so that the writer writes to that file. Use the __str__ function to retrieve the contents written to a string. """ if isinstance(filename, file): # Check for stdout, stderr self._filename = file self._file = filename elif filename is None: # Check for StringIO self._filename = None if self._file is not None: self._file.close() self._file = StringIO() else: self._filename = filename self._file = open(filename, mode) self.root = node self._raw = True self._wrap = False self._buffer = '' self._break_hint = [] self._indent = '' self._indent_empty = False self.pos = [1, 1] self.width = 70 self.prev_str = '\n' if self._reload: self._set_node_writers(self._lang, self._style, self.defaults) self._reload = False self._set_node_writers_writer() if hasattr(self.style_module, 'pre_process'): self.style_module.pre_process(self, node) self._write(node) self.flush_buffer() if hasattr(self.style_module, 'post_process'): self.style_module.post_process(self, node) if isinstance(filename, file): pass elif filename is not None: self._file.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the file. """ if self._filename is not file: self._file.close()
def _set_node_writers(self, lang, style, defaults=None): """Imports the correct module based on the language and style. """ self.style_module = get_style_module('writer', lang, style) name = '%s-writer-%s' % (lang, style) config.set_style_cfg(self, name, defaults) self._nw = dict() self._nw['__default__'] = DefaultWriter(self) nw_obj = NodeWriter(self) self._nw['#document'] = nw_obj self._nw['#document-fragment'] = nw_obj self._nw['#text'] = nw_obj self._nw['#entity'] = nw_obj str_key = list() for key, val in self.style_module.MAPPING.iteritems(): if isinstance(val, str): str_key.append((key, val)) else: self._nw[key] = val(self) for key, val in str_key: self._nw[key] = self._nw[val] #@deprecated
[docs] def get_node_writer(self, name): """Return one of the NodeWriter objects available to the Writer.""" return self._nw.get(name, self._nw['__default__'])
def __getitem__(self, name): """Return a Node parser. """ return self._nw.get(name, self._nw['__default__']) def _set_node_writers_writer(self): """To be called before writing since the file will change. """ for key in self._nw: self._nw[key].writer = self def _write_start(self, node): """To be called during tree traversal when node is first encountered. """ self._nw.get(, self._nw['__default__']).start(node) def _write_data(self, node): """To be called during tree traversal after _write_start if the node is a `CharacterData`. """ self._nw.get(, self._nw['__default__']).data(node) def _write_child(self, node): """To be called during tree traversal after _write_start if the node has children. """ return self._nw.get(, self._nw['__default__']).child(node) def _write_end(self, node): """To be called during tree traversal on last visit to node. """ self._nw.get(, self._nw['__default__']).end(node) def _get_direction(self, crt): """Returns the direction in which the traversal should go. """ if hasattr(crt, 'data'): self._write_data(crt) self._write_end(crt) return 'r' elif crt.child: if self._write_child(crt) is None: return 'r' else: return 'd' else: self._write_end(crt) return 'r' def _write(self, root): """To be called during actual write function. """ crt = root direction = None self._write_start(crt) if hasattr(crt, 'data'): self._write_data(crt) self._write_end(crt) return if crt.child: if self._write_child(crt) is None: return else: direction = 'd' else: self._write_end(crt) return while True: if direction is 'd': crt = crt.child[0] elif direction is 'r': if is None: direction = 'u' continue crt = elif direction is 'u': self._write_end(crt.parent) if crt.parent is root: break if is None: crt = crt.parent continue crt = self._write_start(crt) direction = self._get_direction(crt)