Source code for lexor

To use lexor as a module you should explore in detail the packages
provided with lexor. These packages contain many other functions and
information which can help you convert your document in the way you

:`core <lexor.core>`_: 
    The core of lexor defines basic objects such as ``Document`` and
    provides the main objects that define the functions provided in
    this module.

:`command <lexor.command>`_:
    This module is in charge of providing all the available commands
    to lexor.


In this module we can find useful functions to quickly parse, convert
and write files without first creating any of the main lexor objects.

import re
import os
import os.path as pth
from sys import stdout
from os.path import realpath, basename, splitext
from lexor.__version__ import get_version
from lexor.command import error
from lexor.command.lang import load_aux
from lexor import core
__all__ = [

def _read_text(src, search=False):
    """Attempt to read a file and return its contents. """
        return open(src, 'r').read()
    except IOError:
        if search is False:
            return None
        lexorinputs = os.environ['LEXORINPUTS']
    except KeyError:
        return None
    for directory in lexorinputs.split(':'):
        path = '%s/%s' % (directory, src)
            return open(path, 'r').read()
        except IOError:
    return None

[docs]def lexor(src, search=False, **keywords): """Utility function to parse and convert a file or string specified by `src`. If `search` is ``True`` then it will attemp to search for `src` in the paths specified by the enviromental variable ``$LEXORINPUTS``. The following are all the valid keywords and its defaults that this function accepts: - parser_style: ``'_'`` - parser_lang: ``None`` - parser_defaults: ``None``, - convert_style: ``'_'``, - convert_from: ``None``, - convert_to: ``'html'``, - convert_defaults: ``None``, - convert: ``'true'`` Returns the converted ``Document`` object and the log ``Document`` containing possible warning or error messages. """ info = { 'parser_style': '_', 'parser_lang': None, 'parser_defaults': None, 'convert_style': '_', 'convert_from': None, 'convert_to': 'html', 'convert_defaults': None, 'convert': 'true' } for key in keywords: info[key] = keywords[key] text = _read_text(src, search) if text is None: match = re.match(r'^(\.|/)(.*/)?(?:$|(.+?)(?:(\.[^.]*$)|$))', src) if match: raise IOError('file `%s` not found' % src) else: text = src if info['parser_lang'] is None: info['parser_lang'] = 'lexor' src = 'string@0x%x' % id(text) elif info['parser_lang'] is None: path = pth.realpath(src) name = pth.basename(path) name = pth.splitext(name) info['parser_lang'] = name[1][1:] parser = core.Parser(info['parser_lang'], info['parser_style'], info['parser_defaults']) parser.parse(text, src) if info['convert'] == 'true' and info['convert_to'] is not None: if info['convert_from'] is None: info['convert_from'] = info['parser_lang'] converter = core.Converter(info['convert_from'], info['convert_to'], info['convert_style'], info['convert_defaults']) converter.convert(parser.doc) if parser.log: converter.update_log(parser.log, False) cdoc = converter.doc.pop() clog = converter.log.pop() else: cdoc = parser.doc clog = parser.log return cdoc, clog
[docs]def parse(text, lang='xml', style='default'): """Parse the `text` in the language specified by `lang` and return its ``Document`` form and a ``Document`` log containing the errors encountered during parsing. """ parser = core.Parser(lang, style) parser.parse(text) return (parser.document, parser.log)
[docs]def read(filename, style="default", lang=None): """Read and parse a file. If `lang` is not specified then the language is assummed from the `filename` extension. Returns the ``Document`` form and a ``Document`` log containing the errors encountered during parsing. """ if lang is None: path = realpath(filename) name = basename(path) name = splitext(name) lang = name[1][1:] with open(filename, 'r') as tmpf: text = parser = core.Parser(lang, style) parser.parse(text, filename) return (parser.document, parser.log)
[docs]def convert(doc, lang=None, style="default"): """Convert the ``Document`` `doc` to another language in a given style. If the `lang` is not specified then the `doc` is tranformed to the same language as the ``Document`` using the default style. """ if lang is None: lang = doc.owner.lang converter = core.Converter(doc.owner.lang, lang, style) converter.convert(doc) return (converter.document, converter.log)
[docs]def write(doc, filename=None, mode='w', **options): """Write `doc` to a file. To write to the standard output use the default parameters, otherwise provide `filename`. If `filename` is provided you have the option of especifying the mode: ``'w'`` or ``'a'``. You may also provide a file you may have opened yourself in place of filename so that the writer writes to that file, in this case the `mode` is ignored. The valid `options` depends on the language the document specifies. See the ``DEFAULT`` values a particular writer style has to obtain the valid options. """ if doc.owner is None: style = 'default' lang = 'xml' else: style = lang = doc.owner.lang writer = core.Writer(lang, style) if doc.owner is not None and doc.owner.defaults is not None: for var, val in doc.owner.defaults.iteritems(): writer.defaults[var] = os.path.expandvars(str(val)) for var, val in options.iteritems(): writer.defaults[var] = os.path.expandvars(str(val)) if filename: writer.write(doc, filename, mode) else: writer.write(doc, stdout)
[docs]def init(**keywords): """Every lexor style needs to call the ``init`` function. These are the valid keywords to initialize a style: - version: ``(major, minor, micro, alpha/beta/rc/final, #)`` - lang - [to_lang] - type - description - author - author_email - [url] - license - path: Must be set to ``__file__``. """ valid_keys = ['version', 'lang', 'to_lang', 'type', 'description', 'author', 'author_email', 'url', 'path', 'license'] info = dict() for key in valid_keys: info[key] = None for key in keywords.keys(): if key not in valid_keys: error("ERROR: Valid keys for lexor.init are %s" % valid_keys) else: info[key] = keywords[key] info['style'] = splitext(basename(info['path']))[0] info['style'] = info['style'].split('-')[0] info['ver'] = get_version(info['version']) return info