Source code for lexor.core.selector


This module is trying to simulate jquery selectors. If some code
looks similar to that of the Sizzle CSS Selector engine it is because
the ideas were taken from it.

In short, credit goes to [Sizzle][1] and CSS for the seletor idea.



import re
import sys
import types
from datetime import datetime
from time import mktime
from pprint import pprint
LC = sys.modules['lexor.core']

[docs]def get_date(): """Obtain an integer representation of the date. """ date = datetime.utcnow() return int(mktime(date.timetuple()))
[docs]def mark_function(fnc): """Mark a function for special use by Sizzle. """ fnc.expando = True return fnc
BOOLEANS = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|" + \ "defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|" + \ "readonly|required|scoped" WHITESPACE = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]" CHAR_ENCODING = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+" IDENTIFIER = CHAR_ENCODING.replace("w", "w#") ATTRIBUTES = "\\[" + WHITESPACE + "*(" + CHAR_ENCODING + ")" + \ WHITESPACE + "*(?:([*^$|!~]?=)" + WHITESPACE + \ "*(?:(['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|(" + \ IDENTIFIER + ")|)|)" + WHITESPACE + "*\\]" PSEUDOS = ":(" + CHAR_ENCODING + \ ")(?:\\(((['\"])((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\])*?)\\3|((?:\\\\.|" + \ "[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + ATTRIBUTES.replace("3", "8") + \ ")*)|.*)\\)|)" RCOMMA = re.compile("^" + WHITESPACE + "*," + WHITESPACE + "*") RCOMBINATORS = re.compile("^" + WHITESPACE + "*([>+~]|" + WHITESPACE + ")" + WHITESPACE + "*") # Use .findall instead of search or match since this regex had the # global attribute RATTRIBUTEQUOTE = re.compile("=" + WHITESPACE + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + WHITESPACE + "*\\]") RPSEUDO = re.compile(PSEUDOS) RIDENTIFIER = re.compile("^" + IDENTIFIER + "$") MATCH_EXPR = { "ID": re.compile("^#(" + CHAR_ENCODING + ")"), "CLASS": re.compile("^\\.(" + CHAR_ENCODING + ")"), "TAG": re.compile("^(" + CHAR_ENCODING.replace("w", "w*") + ")"), "ATTR": re.compile("^" + ATTRIBUTES), "PSEUDO": re.compile("^" + PSEUDOS), "CHILD": re.compile("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-" + "(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + WHITESPACE + "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + WHITESPACE + "*(?:([+-]|)" + WHITESPACE + "*(\\d+)|))" + WHITESPACE + "*\\)|)", re.IGNORECASE), "bool": re.compile("^(?:" + BOOLEANS + ")$", re.IGNORECASE), # For use in libraries implementing .is() # We use this for POS matching in `select` "needsContext": re.compile("^" + WHITESPACE + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|" + "first|last)(?:\\(" + WHITESPACE + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + WHITESPACE + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", re.IGNORECASE), } RQUICKEXPR = re.compile(r'^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$') RUNESCAPE = re.compile("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + WHITESPACE + "?|(" + WHITESPACE + ")|.)", re.IGNORECASE) EXPANDO = 'sizzle'+str(get_date()) def _pre_filter_attr(match): """function for EXPR['pre_filter']['ATTR']""" #match[0] = match[0].replace(runescape, funescape); #match[0] = re.sub(runescape, funescape, match[0]) # Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted match[2] = match[3] or match[4] or "" #match[2] = match[2].replace(runescape, funescape); if match[1] == "~=": match[2] = " " + match[2] + " " return match[:4] def _pre_filter_child(match): """function for EXPR['pre_filter']['CHILD']""" match[0] = match[0].lower() if match[0].slice[:3] == "nth": # nth-* requires argument if not match[2]: print 'ERROR' sys.exit(2) # Should raise an error showing match[0] # numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD # remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1 # ML: Possible += if match[4]: match[4] = match[5] + (match[6] or 1) else: match[4] = 2*(match[3] == "even" or match[3] == "odd") match[5] = ((match[7] + match[8]) or match[3] == "odd") #other types prohibit arguments elif match[3]: print 'ERROR' sys.exit(2) return match def _filter_tag(node_name_selector): name = node_name_selector if node_name_selector == '*': return lambda: True else: return lambda elem: elem and == name def _filter_class(class_name): try: pattern = _filter_class.cache[class_name] return pattern except KeyError: pass pattern = re.compile("(^|" + WHITESPACE + ")" + class_name + "(" + WHITESPACE + "|$)") _filter_class.cache[class_name] = lambda elem:['class']) if 'class' in elem else None return _filter_class.cache[class_name] _filter_class.cache = dict() EXPR = { 'create_pseudo': mark_function, 'match': MATCH_EXPR, 'attr_handle': {}, 'find': {}, 'relative': { '>': {'dir': "parent_node", 'first': True}, ' ': {'dir': "parent_node"}, '+': {'dir': "previous_sibling", 'first': True}, '~': {'dir': "previous_sibling"} }, 'pre_filter': { 'ATTR': _pre_filter_attr, 'CHILD': _pre_filter_child, }, 'filter': { 'TAG': _filter_tag, 'CLASS': _filter_class, } }
[docs]def clone_obj(obj, parser): """Utility function to create deep copies of objects used for the Selector object. A parser should be given in case the object is a string. """ try: return obj.clone_node(True) except AttributeError: pass if hasattr(obj, '__iter__'): return [clone_obj(ele, parser) for ele in obj] parser.parse(str(obj)) return parser.doc
[docs]def sizzle(selector, context, results=None, seed=None): """Function shamelessly borrowed and partially translated to python from """ if results is None: results = list() if not selector or not isinstance(selector, str): return results if not isinstance(context, LC.Element): return list() match = RQUICKEXPR.match(selector) if match is not None: # Shortcuts match = match.groups() element_id = match[0] if element_id: # sizzle('#ID') if == '#document': elem = context.get_element_by_id(element_id) if elem: results.append(elem) elif context.owner: elem = context.owner.get_element_by_id(element_id) if elem and context.contains(elem): results.append(elem) elif match[1]: # sizzle('TAG') results.extend(context.get_nodes_by_name(selector)) elif isinstance(context, LC.Element): # sizzle('.CLASS') results.extend(context.get_elements_by_class_name(match[2])) return results return select(selector.strip(), context, results, seed)
[docs]def select(selector, context, results, seed): """ A low-level selection function that works with Sizzle's compiled selector functions @param {String|Function} selector A selector or a pre-compiled selector function built with Sizzle.compile @param {Element} context @param {Array} [results] @param {Array} [seed] A set of elements to match against """ #compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector #selector = compiled.selector or selector match = not seed and tokenize(selector) results = results or list() if len(match) == 1: # Other complicated stuff pass compile_selector(selector, match)(seed, context, results) return results
def matcher_from_tokens(tokens): pass def matcher_from_group_matchers(element_matchers, set_matchers): pass def compile_selector(selector, match=None): try: return compile_selector.cache[selector] except KeyError: pass set_matchers = list() element_matchers = list() if match is None: match = tokenize(selector) i = len(match) - 1 while i: cached = matcher_from_tokens(match[i]) if cached[EXPANDO]: set_matchers.append(cached) else: element_matchers.append(cached) cached = matcher_from_group_matchers(element_matchers, set_matchers) compile_selector.cache[selector] = cached #cached.selector = selector return cached compile_selector.cache = dict()
[docs]def tokenize(selector, parse_only=False): """Tokenize...""" try: cached = tokenize.cache[selector] except KeyError: pass else: return 0 if parse_only else cached so_far = selector groups = list() pre_filters = EXPR['pre_filter'] matched = False while so_far: match = RCOMMA.match(so_far) if not matched or match: if match: match = match.groups() so_far = so_far[len(match[0]):] or so_far tokens = list() groups.append(tokens) matched = False match = RCOMBINATORS.match(so_far) if match: matched = match = list(match.groups()) tokens.append({ 'value': matched, 'type': match[0].strip(), }) so_far = so_far[len(matched):] for ftype in EXPR['filter']: match = MATCH_EXPR[ftype].match(so_far) if match: matched = match = list(match.groups()) #match = pre_filters[ftype](match).groups() tokens.append({ 'value': matched, 'type': ftype, 'matches': match, }) so_far = so_far[len(matched):] if not matched: break if parse_only: return len(so_far) else: tokenize.cache[selector] = groups return tokenize.cache[selector]
if not hasattr(tokenize, 'cache'): tokenize.cache = dict()
[docs]class Selector(object): """JQuery like object. """ def __init__(self, selector, node, results=None): = sizzle(selector, node, results) def __getitem__(self, k): """Return the k-th element selected. x.__getitem__(k) <==> x[k] """ return[k] def __repr__(self): """repr method. """ result = '\n----------\n' for node in result += repr(node) result += '\n----------\n' return result
[docs] def find(self, selector): """Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector. """ current = = list() for node in current: sizzle(selector, node, return self
[docs] def contents(self): """Get the children of each element in the set of matched elements, including text and comment nodes.""" current = = list() for node in current: if node: return self
@staticmethod def _append(node, content, parser): """Helper function to `append` method. """ if isinstance(content, Selector): node.extend_children( elif isinstance(content, LC.Node): if ( in ['#document', '#document-fragment'] and content.temporary): node.extend_children(content) else: node.append_child(content) elif hasattr(content, '__iter__'): node.extend_children(content) else: parser.parse(str(content)) node.extend_children(parser.doc)
[docs] def append(self, *arg, **keywords): """Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the end of each element in the set of matched elements. Should behave similarly as Major difference is in the function. When passing a function it should take 2 parameters: node, index. Where node will be the current element to which the return value will be appended to. """ info = { 'lang': 'html', 'style': 'default', 'defaults': None, } for key in keywords: info[key] = keywords[key] parser = LC.Parser(info['lang'], info['style'], info['defaults']) if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], types.FunctionType): for num, node in enumerate( self._append(node, arg[0](node, num), parser) else: for content in arg: if isinstance(content, str): parser.parse(content) content = parser.doc elif isinstance(content, list): for num in xrange(len(content)): if isinstance(content[num], str): parser.parse(content[num]) content[num] = parser.doc for i in xrange(len( - 1): clone = clone_obj(content, parser) self._append([i], clone, parser) if self._append([-1], content, parser)
@staticmethod def _prepend(node, content, parser): """Helper function to `prepend` method. """ if isinstance(content, Selector): node.extend_before(0, elif isinstance(content, LC.Node): if ( in ['#document', '#document-fragment'] and content.temporary): node.extend_before(0, content) else: node.insert_before(0, content) elif hasattr(content, '__iter__'): print 'CONTENT = %r' % content node.extend_before(0, content) else: parser.parse(str(content)) node.extend_before(0, parser.doc)
[docs] def prepend(self, *arg, **keywords): """Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the beginning of each element in the setof matched elements. Should behave similarly as Major difference is in the function. When passing a function it should take 2 parameters: node, index. Where node will be the current element to which the return value will be appended to. """ info = { 'lang': 'html', 'style': 'default', 'defaults': None, } for key in keywords: info[key] = keywords[key] parser = LC.Parser(info['lang'], info['style'], info['defaults']) if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], types.FunctionType): for num, node in enumerate( self._prepend(node, arg[0](node, num), parser) else: for content in arg: if isinstance(content, str): parser.parse(content) content = parser.doc elif isinstance(content, list): for num in xrange(len(content)): if isinstance(content[num], str): parser.parse(content[num]) content[num] = parser.doc for i in xrange(len( - 1): clone = clone_obj(content, parser) self._prepend([i], clone, parser) if self._prepend([-1], content, parser)
@staticmethod def _after(node, content, parser): """Helper function to `after` method. """ if isinstance(content, Selector): node.append_nodes_after( elif isinstance(content, LC.Node): if in ['#document', '#document-fragment']: node.append_nodes_after(content) else: node.append_after(content) elif hasattr(content, '__iter__'): node.append_nodes_after(content) else: parser.parse(str(content)) node.append_nodes_after(parser.doc)
[docs] def after(self, *arg, **keywords): """Insert content, specified by the parameter, after each element in the set of matched elements. : .after(content [,content]) :: content Type: htmlString or Element or Array or jQuery string, Node, array of Node, or Selector object to insert after each element in the set of matched elements. :: content Type: htmlString or Element or Array or jQuery One or more additional DOM elements, arrays of elements, HTML strings, or jQuery objects to insert after each element in the set of matched elements. : .after(function(node, index)) :: function(node, index) A function that returns a string, DOM element(s), or Selector object to insert after each element in the set of matched elements. Receives the element in the set and its index position in the set as its arguments. : .after(..., lang='html', style='default', 'defaults'=None) :: lang The language in which strings will be parsed in. :: style The style in which strings will be parsed in. :: defaults A dictionary with string keywords and values especifying options for the particular style. """ info = { 'lang': 'html', 'style': 'default', 'defaults': None, } for key in keywords: info[key] = keywords[key] parser = LC.Parser(info['lang'], info['style'], info['defaults']) if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], types.FunctionType): for num, node in enumerate( self._after(node, arg[0](node, num), parser) else: for content in arg: if isinstance(content, str): parser.parse(content) content = parser.doc elif isinstance(content, list): for num in xrange(len(content)): if isinstance(content[num], str): parser.parse(content[num]) content[num] = parser.doc for i in xrange(len( - 1): clone = clone_obj(content, parser) self._after([i], clone, parser) if self._after([-1], content, parser)
@staticmethod def _before(node, content, parser): """Helper function to `after` method. """ if isinstance(content, Selector): node.prepend_nodes_before( elif isinstance(content, LC.Node): if in ['#document', '#document-fragment']: node.prepend_nodes_before(content) else: node.prepend_before(content) elif hasattr(content, '__iter__'): node.prepend_nodes_before(content) else: parser.parse(str(content)) node.prepend_nodes_before(parser.doc)
[docs] def before(self, *arg, **keywords): """Insert content, specified by the parameter, before each element in the set of matched elements. : .before(content [,content]) :: content Type: htmlString or Element or Array or jQuery string, Node, array of Node, or Selector object to insert before each element in the set of matched elements. :: content Type: htmlString or Element or Array or jQuery One or more additional DOM elements, arrays of elements, HTML strings, or jQuery objects to insert before each element in the set of matched elements. : .before(function(node, index)) :: function(node, index) A function that returns a string, DOM element(s), or Selector object to insert before each element in the set of matched elements. Receives the element in the set and its index position in the set as its arguments. : .before(..., lang='html', style='default', 'defaults'=None) :: lang The language in which strings will be parsed in. :: style The style in which strings will be parsed in. :: defaults A dictionary with string keywords and values especifying options for the particular style. """ info = { 'lang': 'html', 'style': 'default', 'defaults': None, } for key in keywords: info[key] = keywords[key] parser = LC.Parser(info['lang'], info['style'], info['defaults']) if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], types.FunctionType): for num, node in enumerate( self._before(node, arg[0](node, num), parser) else: for content in arg: if isinstance(content, str): parser.parse(content) content = parser.doc elif isinstance(content, list): for num in xrange(len(content)): if isinstance(content[num], str): parser.parse(content[num]) content[num] = parser.doc for i in xrange(len( - 1): clone = clone_obj(content, parser) self._before([i], clone, parser) if self._before([-1], content, parser)
def __iter__(self): for node in yield node def __len__(self): """Return the number of elements. x.__len__() <==> len(x) """ return len(