Source code for


Execute lexor by transforming a file "to" another language.


import re
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import argparse
from lexor.command import config, error, warn
from lexor.core.parser import Parser
from lexor.core.writer import Writer
from lexor.core.converter import Converter

    'parse_lang': 'lexor:_',
    'log': 'lexor:log',
    'lang': 'html[_:_]'

DESC = """
Transform the inputfile to another language. To see the available
languages use the `lang` command.


    lexor file.html to markdown[cstyle:wstyle]
    lexor file.html to markdown[cstyle:otherlang.wstyle]
    lexor file.html to html~min,plain,_~
    lexor file.html to html~plain,_~ mk[cstyle:wstyle,cstyle1,cstyle2]

    lexor file.xml to xml~_@tab="****"~

    lexor Makefile to xml --from makefile
    lexor Makefile to xml --from makefile:otherstyle

  Store output to `output.html` and store warnings in `log.html`:
      lexor > output.html 2> log.html

  Pipe the output from another program:
       cat | lexor --from markdown

  Write to files without displaying output:
      lexor --quiet --nodisplay --write


[docs]def split_at(delimiter, text, opens='[<(', closes=']>)', quotes='"\''): """Custom function to split at commas. Taken from stackoverflow""" result = [] buff = "" level = 0 is_quoted = False for char in text: if char in delimiter and level == 0 and not is_quoted: result.append(buff) buff = "" else: buff += char if char in opens: level += 1 elif char in closes: level -= 1 elif char in quotes: is_quoted = not is_quoted if not buff == "": result.append(buff) return result
[docs]def language_style(lang_str): """Parses a language string. In particular, the options --from and --log. """ tmp = split_at(':', lang_str.lower()) if len(tmp) == 2: input_lang = tmp[0] input_style = style_parameters(tmp[1]) else: index = tmp[0].find('@') if index == -1: input_lang = tmp[0] input_style = style_parameters('_') else: input_lang = tmp[0][:index] input_style = style_parameters(tmp[0][index:]) if input_lang == '': input_lang = '_' if input_style['name'] == '': input_style['name'] = '_' return input_lang, input_style
[docs]def parse_styles(lang_str): """Parses a language string. In particular, the options --from and --log. """ tmp = split_at(':', lang_str) if len(tmp) == 2: cstyle = style_parameters(tmp[0]) wstyle = style_parameters(tmp[1]) else: cstyle = style_parameters(tmp[0]) wstyle = style_parameters('_') if cstyle['name'] == '': cstyle['name'] = '_' if wstyle['name'] == '': wstyle['name'] = '_' return cstyle, wstyle
[docs]def style_parameters(style): """Parsers a style name along with its parameters. """ style = split_at('@', style) style_dict = {'name': style[0], 'params': dict()} for ele in style[1:]: try: var, val = ele.split('=') except ValueError: msg = 'style arguments must be of the form @var=val' raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) try: if val[0] == '[': val = val[1:-1] except IndexError: msg = 'To give empty values try @var=[]' raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) style_dict['params'][var] = val return style_dict
[docs]def input_language(tolang): """Parses the tolang argument. """ type_ = 'w' match = re.match("(.+)~(.+)~", tolang) if not match: type_ = 'c' index = tolang.find('[') if index == -1: if tolang[-1] == ']': msg = 'did you mean to write lang[...]?' raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) lang_name = tolang styles = '_' else: if tolang[-1] != ']': msg = 'must be of the form lang[...] or lang~...~' raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) lang_name = tolang[:index] styles = tolang[index+1:-1] else: lang_name, styles = match.groups() if type_ == 'w': msg = '`:` is not supported in "%s~%s~"' % (lang_name, styles) styles = split_at(',', styles) for style in styles: if ':' in style: pass #raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) styles = [style_parameters(ele) for ele in styles] else: styles = [parse_styles(ele) for ele in split_at(',', styles)] return type_, lang_name, styles
[docs]def add_parser(subp, fclass): """Add a parser to the main subparser. """ tmpp = subp.add_parser('to', help='transform inputfile to another language', formatter_class=fclass, description=textwrap.dedent(DESC)) tmpp.add_argument('tolang', metavar='lang', nargs='*', type=input_language, help='language to which it will be converted') tmpp.add_argument('--from', type=language_style, metavar='FROM', dest='parse_lang', help='language to be parsed in') tmpp.add_argument('--log', type=language_style, help='language in which the logs will be written') tmpp.add_argument('--write', '-w', action='store_true', help='write to file') tmpp.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', help='suppress warning messages') tmpp.add_argument('--nodisplay', '-n', action='store_true', help="suppress output")
[docs]def get_input(input_file, cfg, default='_'): """Returns the text to be parsed along with the name assigned to that text. The last output is the extension of the file. """ if input_file is '_': return, 'STDIN', 'STDIN', default found = False if input_file[0] != '/': root = cfg['lexor']['root'] paths = cfg['edit']['path'].split(':') for path in paths: if path[0] in ['/', '.']: abspath = '%s/%s' % (path, input_file) else: abspath = '%s/%s/%s' % (root, path, input_file) if os.path.exists(abspath): found = True break else: abspath = input_file if os.path.exists(abspath): found = True if not found: error("ERROR: The file '%s' does not exist.\n" % input_file) text = open(abspath, 'r').read() textname = input_file path = os.path.realpath(abspath) name = os.path.basename(path) name = os.path.splitext(name) file_name = name[0] file_ext = name[1][1:].lower() if file_ext == '': file_ext = default # The default language to parse return text, textname, file_name, file_ext
[docs]def run(): """Run the command. """ arg = config.CONFIG['arg'] cfg = config.get_cfg(['to', 'edit']) text, t_name, f_name, f_ext = get_input(arg.inputfile, cfg) parse_lang = cfg['to']['parse_lang'] if isinstance(parse_lang, str): parse_lang = language_style(parse_lang) if arg.parse_lang is None and f_ext != '_': parse_lang = (f_ext, parse_lang[1]) in_lang, in_style = parse_lang log = cfg['to']['log'] if isinstance(log, str): log = language_style(log) else: default_log = DEFAULTS['log'].split(':') if log[0] == '_': log = (default_log[0], log[1]) if log[1]['name'] == '_': log[1]['name'] = default_log[1] parser = Parser(in_lang, in_style['name'], in_style['params']) log_writer = Writer(log[0], log[1]['name'], log[1]['params']) if hasattr(parser.style_module, 'VERSIONS'): versions = parser.style_module.VERSIONS msg = 'WARNING: No version specified in configuration.\n' \ 'Using the first module in this list:\n\n %s\n\n' warn(msg % '\n '.join(versions)) try: parser.parse(text, t_name) except ImportError: msg = "ERROR: Parsing style not found: [%s:%s]\n" error(msg % (in_lang, in_style['name'])) try: write_log(log_writer, parser.log, arg.quiet) except ImportError: msg = "ERROR: Writing log style not found: [%s:%s]\n" error(msg % (parser.log.lang, if not arg.tolang: arg.tolang.append(input_language(cfg['to']['lang'])) convert_and_write(f_name, parser, in_lang, log, arg)
[docs]def convert_and_write(f_name, parser, in_lang, log, arg): """Auxiliary function to reduce the number of branches in run. """ log_writer = Writer(log[0], log[1]['name'], log[1]['params']) writer = Writer() converter = Converter() param = { 'parser': parser, 'converter': converter, 'writer': writer, 'log_writer': log_writer, 'f_name': f_name, 'in_lang': in_lang, 'arg': arg } for (action, lang, styles) in arg.tolang: param['styles'] = styles param['lang'] = lang if action == 'c': run_converter(param) if action == 'w': run_writer(param)
[docs]def write_log(writer, log, quiet): """Write the log file to stderr. """ if quiet is False and len(log) > 0: writer.write(log, sys.stderr)
[docs]def write_document(writer, doc, fname, arg): """Auxiliary function for convert_and_write. """ if arg.nodisplay is False: writer.write(doc, sys.stdout) if arg.write is True: writer.write(doc, fname)
[docs]def run_converter(param): """Auxiliary function for convert and write. """ lang = param['lang'] f_name = param['f_name'] in_lang = param['in_lang'] arg = param['arg'] parser = param['parser'] writer = param['writer'] log_writer = param['log_writer'] for style in param['styles']: cstyle = style[0]['name'] param['converter'].set(in_lang, lang, cstyle, style[0]['params']) try: doc, log = param['converter'].convert(parser.doc) except ImportError: msg = "ERROR: Converting style not found: [%s ==> %s:%s]\n" warn(msg % (in_lang, lang, cstyle)) continue wstyle = style[1]['name'] if '.' in wstyle: (lang, wstyle) = wstyle.split('.') if wstyle == '_': wstyle = 'default' writer.set(lang, wstyle, style[1]['params']) fname = '%s.%s.%s' % (f_name, wstyle, lang) write_log(log_writer, log, arg.quiet) try: write_document(writer, doc, fname, arg) except ImportError: msg = "ERROR: Writing style not found: [%s:%s]\n" warn(msg % (lang, wstyle)) continue
[docs]def run_writer(param): """Auxiliary function for convert and write. """ lang = param['lang'] f_name = param['f_name'] arg = param['arg'] parser = param['parser'] writer = param['writer'] for style in param['styles']: sname = 'default' if style['name'] == '_' else style['name'] writer.set(lang, style['name'], style['params']) fname = '%s.%s.%s' % (f_name, sname, lang) try: write_document(writer, parser.doc, fname, arg) except ImportError: msg = "ERROR: Writing style not found: [%s:%s]\n" warn(msg % (lang, style['name']))