Source code for lexor.command.test

"""Lexor Test

This module contains various test for lexor.

from __future__ import print_function

import re
import sys
import lexor
import textwrap
from glob import iglob
from import eq_
from lexor.command import exec_cmd, warn
from lexor.command.lang import LEXOR_PATH, get_style_module
from lexor.core.parser import Parser
from os.path import dirname, exists
from lexor.command import config

RE = re.compile(r'(?P<code>[A-Z][0-9]*|Okay):')
WRAPPER = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=70, break_long_words=False)
DESC = """
This command only takes in one optional parameter. If no parameter
is given then it will attempt to run all the tests available.

If a parameter is given then it may be of one of the following forms:


The last two forms have the option of being followed by an
specific test name:


[docs]def add_parser(subp, fclass): """Add a parser to the main subparser. """ tmpp = subp.add_parser('test', help='test a style', formatter_class=fclass, description=textwrap.dedent(DESC)) tmpp.add_argument('param', type=str, nargs='?', default='', help='optional parameter to specify the tests') tmpp.add_argument('--installed', action='store_true', help='run all installed tests') tmpp.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true', help='display test messages')
[docs]def run(): """Run command. """ arg = config.CONFIG['arg'] cfg = config.get_cfg(['lang', 'develop', 'version']) if arg.installed: if 'version' in cfg: print('Running installed tests ...') run_installed(arg.param, cfg, arg.verbose) else: print('No installed tests to run ...') else: if 'develop' in cfg: print('Running development tests ...') run_develop(arg.param, cfg, arg.verbose) else: print('No development tests to run ...')
[docs]def run_develop(param, cfg, verbose): """Run develop tests. """ param = param.split(':') testname = '*' subtest = '' if len(param) > 1: testname = param[1] if len(param) == 3: subtest = ':%s' % param[2] keys = [key for key in cfg['develop'] if param[0] in key] failed = [] for key in keys: path = cfg['develop'][key][:-3] if path[0] != '/': path = '%s/%s' % (config.CONFIG['path'], path) for pth in iglob('%s/' % (path, testname)): cmd = 'nosetests -vs %s%s' % (pth, subtest) _, err, _ = exec_cmd(cmd) if verbose: print(err) if 'FAILED' in err: failed.append([cmd, err]) _display_failed(failed)
[docs]def run_installed(param, cfg, verbose): """Run installed tests. """ param = param.split(':') testname = '*' subtest = '' if len(param) > 1: testname = param[1] if len(param) == 3: subtest = ':%s' % param[2] keys = [key for key in cfg['version'] if key.startswith(param[0])] failed = [] for key in keys: name = '/'.join(key.rsplit('.', 1)) for base in LEXOR_PATH: path = '%s/%s-%s' % (base, name, cfg['version'][key]) if not exists(path): continue path = '%s/' % (path, testname) for pth in iglob(path): cmd = 'nosetests -vs %s%s' % (pth, subtest) _, err, _ = exec_cmd(cmd) if verbose: print(err) if 'FAILED' in err: failed.append([cmd, err]) _display_failed(failed)
def _display_failed(failed): """Helper function. """ if failed: print('FAILED TESTS:') print('='*70) print('') else: print('ALL TESTS HAVE PASSED') for fail in failed: print('COMMAND = %s' % fail[0]) print('-'*70) print(fail[1])
[docs]def compare_with(str_obj, expected): """Calls nose.eq_ to compare the strings and prints a custom message. """ hline = '_'*60 msg = "str_obj -->\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\ expected -->\n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (hline, str_obj, hline, hline, expected, hline) eq_(str_obj, expected, msg)
[docs]def parse_msg(msg): """Obtain the tests embedded inside the messages declared in a style. The format of the messages is as follows: <tab>[A-Z][0-9]*: <msg> or <tab>([A-Z][0-9]*|Okay): <tab><tab>msg ... <tab><tab>msg continues <tab>([A-Z][0-9]*|Okay): msg Where <tab> consists of 4 whitespaces. This function returns the message without the tests and a list of tuples of the form `(code, msg)` along with the message """ lines = msg.split('\n') tests = [] index = 0 end = len(lines) while index < len(lines): match = RE.match(lines[index].strip()) if match is None: index += 1 else: end = index break while index < len(lines): line = lines[index].strip() match = RE.match(line) if match is not None: line = line[match.end():].strip() if line == '' and index + 1 < len(lines): tmp = lines[index+1] if RE.match(tmp[4:]) is None: line += tmp[8:] index += 1 while index + 1 < len(lines): tmp = lines[index+1] if RE.match(tmp[4:]) is not None: break line += '\n' + tmp[8:] index += 1 tests.append(('code'), line)) index += 1 return '\n'.join([line[4:] for line in lines[:end]]), tests
[docs]def find_failed(tests, lang, style): """Run the tests and return a list of the tests that fail. """ failed = [] parser = Parser(lang, style) for test in tests: parser.parse(test[1]) if test[0] == 'Okay': if len(parser.log.child) != 0: failed.append(test) else: found = False for node in parser.log.child: if test[0] == node['code']: found = True break if not found: failed.append(test) return failed
[docs]def nose_msg_explanations(lang, type_, style, name): """Gather the MSG_EXPLANATION list and run the tests it contains.""" mod = get_style_module(type_, lang, style) mod = sys.modules['%s_%s' % (mod.__name__, name)] if not hasattr(mod, 'MSG_EXPLANATION'): return errors = False warn('\n') for num, msg in enumerate(mod.MSG_EXPLANATION): warn('MSG_EXPLANATION[%d] ... ' % num) msg, tests = parse_msg(msg) failed = find_failed(tests, lang, style) err = [' %s: %r' % (fail[0], fail[1]) for fail in failed] if err: errors = True warn('\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(err)) else: warn('ok\n') err = '\n'.join(err) eq_(errors, False, "Errors in MSG_EXPLANATION") warn('...................... ') # @deprecated
[docs]def parse_write(callerfile, in_, out_, style, lang): """Provide the filename as the input and the style you wish to compare it against. """ inputfile = "%s/../%s" % (dirname(callerfile), in_) with open(inputfile) as tmpf: text = sys.stderr.write('\n%s\n%s' % ('='*70, text)) sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % ('-'*50)) outputfile = "%s/%s.%s.%s" % (dirname(callerfile), out_, style, lang) with open(outputfile) as tmpf: text = doc, log = = style lexor.write(log, sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('\n%s\n' % ('-'*50)) lexor.write(doc, sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('\n%s\n' % ('='*70)) return str(doc), text # @deprecated
[docs]def parse_convert_write(callerfile, in_, out_, style, tolang): """Provide the filename as the input and the style you wish to compare it against. """ inputfile = "%s/../%s" % (dirname(callerfile), in_) with open(inputfile) as tmpf: text = sys.stderr.write('\n%s\n%s' % ('='*70, text)) sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % ('-'*50)) outputfile = "%s/%s.%s.%s" % (dirname(callerfile), out_, style, tolang) with open(outputfile) as tmpf: text = doc, log = = 'default' newdoc, newlog = lexor.convert(doc, tolang, style) lexor.write(log, sys.stderr) lexor.write(newlog, sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('\n%s\n' % ('-'*50)) lexor.write(newdoc, sys.stderr) sys.stderr.write('\n%s\n' % ('='*70)) return str(newdoc), text