Source code for lexor.command.install


Routine to install a parser/writer/converter style.


import os
import re
import sys
import site
import shutil
import urllib2
import zipfile
import textwrap
import distutils.dir_util
import distutils.errors
from glob import iglob
from imp import load_source
from lexor.command import error
from lexor.command import config

DESC = """
Install a parser/writer/converter style.


[docs]def add_parser(subp, fclass): """Add a parser to the main subparser. """ tmpp = subp.add_parser('install', help='install a style', formatter_class=fclass, description=textwrap.dedent(DESC)) tmpp.add_argument('style', type=str, help='name of style to install') tmpp.add_argument('--user', action='store_true', help='install in user-site') tmpp.add_argument('--path', type=str, help='specify the installation path')
[docs]def install_style(style, install_dir): """Install a given style to the install_dir path. """ mod = load_source('tmp_mod', style) info = mod.INFO if info['to_lang']: key = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (info['lang'], info['type'], info['to_lang'], info['style']) typedir = '%s/%s.%s.%s' typedir = typedir % (install_dir, info['lang'], info['type'], info['to_lang']) else: key = '%s.%s.%s' % (info['lang'], info['type'], info['style']) typedir = '%s/%s.%s' typedir = typedir % (install_dir, info['lang'], info['type']) if not os.path.exists(typedir): try: os.makedirs(typedir) except OSError: msg = 'OSError: unable to create directory. Did you `sudo`?\n' error(msg) moddir = os.path.splitext(style)[0] base, name = os.path.split(moddir) if base == '': base = '.' # Copy main file old = '%s/' % (base, name) new = '%s/' % (typedir, name, info['ver']) sys.stdout.write('writing %s ... ' % new) try: shutil.copyfile(old, new) except OSError: msg = 'OSError: unable to copy file. Did you `sudo`?\n' sys.stdout.write('done\n') # Copy auxilary modules old = '%s/%s' % (base, name) new = '%s/%s-%s' % (typedir, name, info['ver']) sys.stdout.write('writing %s/* ... ' % new) try: distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(old, new) except distutils.errors.DistutilsFileError: pass sys.stdout.write('done\n') # Compile the style new = '%s/' % (typedir, name, info['ver']) load_source('tmp_mod', new) # Compile the rest new = '%s/%s-%s/*.py' % (typedir, name, info['ver']) for path in iglob(new): load_source('tmp_mod', path) # Check if its on development cfg_file = config.read_config() if 'develop' in cfg_file: if key in cfg_file['develop']: del cfg_file['develop'][key] if 'version' in cfg_file: cfg_file['version'][key] = info['ver'] else: cfg_file.add_section('version') cfg_file['version'][key] = info['ver'] # Write configuration config.write_config(cfg_file)
[docs]def download_file(url, base='.'): """Download a file. """ try: print '-> Retrieving %s' % url response = urllib2.urlopen(url) local_name = '%s/tmp_%s' % (base, os.path.basename(url)) with open(local_name, "wb") as local_file: local_file.write( except urllib2.HTTPError, err: print "HTTP Error:", err.code, url except urllib2.URLError, err: print "URL Error:", err.reason, url return local_name
[docs]def unzip_file(local_name): """Extract the contents of a zip file. """ zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(local_name) dirname = zfile.namelist()[0].split('/')[0] zfile.extractall() return dirname
[docs]def run(): """Run the command. """ arg = config.CONFIG['arg'] if arg.path: install_dir = arg.path elif arg.user: try: install_dir = '%s/lib/lexor' % site.getuserbase() except AttributeError: install_dir = 'lib/lexor' else: install_dir = '%s/lib/lexor' % sys.prefix style_file = if '.py' not in style_file: style_file = '' % style_file if os.path.exists(style_file): install_style(style_file, install_dir) return matches = [] url = '' print '-> Searching in %s' % url response = urllib2.urlopen(url) for line in response.readlines(): name, url = line.split(':', 1) if in name: matches.append([name.strip(), url.strip()]) for match in matches: doc = urllib2.urlopen(match[1]).read() links = re.finditer(r' href="?([^\s^"]+)', doc) links = [ for link in links if '.zip' in] for link in links: if 'master' in link: path = urllib2.urlparse.urlsplit(match[1]) style_url = '%s://%s%s' % (path[0], path[1], link) local_name = download_file(style_url, '.') dirname = unzip_file(local_name) # Assuming there is only one python file os.chdir(dirname) for path in iglob('*.py'): install_style(path, install_dir) os.chdir('..') os.remove(local_name) shutil.rmtree(dirname)