Source code for lexor.command.edit


Module to open files with an editor.


import textwrap
from os import listdir, system
from os.path import isfile, join, exists
from lexor.command import error
from lexor.command import config

    'editor': '$EDITOR',
    'path': '.'

DESC = """
Open a file if it is found in the path provided by the configuration


[docs]def valid_files(parsed_args, **_): """Return a list of valid files to edit.""" config.CONFIG['arg'] = parsed_args cfg = config.get_cfg('edit', DEFAULTS) root = cfg['lexor']['root'] paths = cfg['edit']['path'].split(':') choices = [] for path in paths: if path[0] in ['/', '.']: abspath = path else: abspath = '%s/%s' % (root, path) try: choices.extend([fname for fname in listdir(abspath) if isfile(join(abspath, fname))]) except OSError: pass return choices
[docs]def add_parser(subp, fclass): """Add a parser to the main subparser. """ tmpp = subp.add_parser('edit', help='edit a file', formatter_class=fclass, description=textwrap.dedent(DESC)) tmpp.add_argument('--path', type=str, help='search path') tmpp.add_argument('--editor', type=str, help='editor to open files')
[docs]def run(): """Run the edit command. """ arg = config.CONFIG['arg'] cfg = config.get_cfg('edit', DEFAULTS) root = cfg['lexor']['root'] paths = cfg['edit']['path'].split(':') fname = arg.inputfile found = False for path in paths: if path[0] in ['/', '.']: abspath = '%s/%s' % (path, fname) else: abspath = '%s/%s/%s' % (root, path, fname) if exists(abspath): found = True break if not found: error("ERROR: file not found.\n") cmd = '%s "%s" > /dev/null' % (cfg['edit']['editor'], abspath) system(cmd)