Source code for lexor.command.config


This module is in charge of providing all the necessary settings to
the rest of the modules in lexor.


import os
import sys
import argparse
import textwrap
import configparser
from lexor.command import error, import_mod

DESC = """View and edit a configuration file for lexor.

Some actions performed by lexor can be overwritten by using
configuration files.

To see the values that the configuration file can overwrite use the
`defaults` command. This will print a list of the keys and values
lexor uses for the given command.


    'path': None,  # read only
    'name': None,  # read only
    'cfg_path': None,  # COMMAND LINE USE ONLY
    'cfg_user': None,  # COMMAND LINE USE ONLY
    'arg': None  # COMMAND LINE USE ONLY

[docs]def var_completer(**_): """var completer. """ return ['SEC.KEY']
[docs]def value_completer(**_): """value completer. """ return ['VALUE']
[docs]class ConfigDispAction(argparse.Action): # pylint: disable=R0903 """Derived argparse Action class to use when displaying the configuration file and location.""" def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): global CONFIG CONFIG['cfg_user'] = namespace.cfg_user CONFIG['cfg_path'] = namespace.cfg_path cfg_file = read_config() fname = '%s/%s' % (CONFIG['path'], CONFIG['name']) print('lexor configuration file: %s' % fname) cfg_file.write(sys.stdout) exit(0)
[docs]def add_parser(subp, fclass): "Add a parser to the main subparser. " tmpp = subp.add_parser('config', help='configure lexor', formatter_class=fclass, description=textwrap.dedent(DESC)) tmpp.add_argument('var', type=str, help='Must be in the form of sec.key' ).completer = var_completer tmpp.add_argument('value', type=str, nargs='?', default=None, help='var value').completer = value_completer tmpp.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='print config file location') tmpp.add_argument('--display', action=ConfigDispAction, nargs=0, help='print config file and exit')
[docs]def read_config(): """Read a configuration file.""" cfg_file = configparser.ConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) name = 'lexor.config' if CONFIG['cfg_user']: path = os.environ['HOME'] name = '.lexor.config' elif CONFIG['cfg_path'] is None: path = '.' if not os.path.exists(name): if 'LEXOR_CONFIG_PATH' in os.environ: path = os.environ['LEXOR_CONFIG_PATH'] else: path = os.environ['HOME'] name = '.lexor.config' else: path = CONFIG['cfg_path'] if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (path, name)): error("ERROR: %s/%s does not exist.\n" % (path, name))'%s/%s' % (path, name)) CONFIG['name'] = name CONFIG['path'] = path return cfg_file
[docs]def write_config(cfg_file): "Write the configuration file. " fname = '%s/%s' % (CONFIG['path'], CONFIG['name']) with open(fname, 'w') as tmp: cfg_file.write(tmp)
[docs]def run(): "Run command. " arg = CONFIG['arg'] cfg_file = read_config() try: command, var = arg.var.split('.', 1) except ValueError: error("ERROR: '%s' is not of the form sec.key\n" % arg.var) if arg.v: fname = '%s/%s' % (CONFIG['path'], CONFIG['name']) print('lexor configuration file: %s' % fname) if arg.value is None: try: print cfg_file[command][var] except KeyError: pass return try: cfg_file[command][var] = arg.value except KeyError: cfg_file.add_section(command) cfg_file[command][var] = arg.value write_config(cfg_file)
[docs]def update_single(cfg, name, defaults=None): "Helper function for get_cfg." if defaults: for var, val in defaults.iteritems(): cfg[name][var] = os.path.expandvars(str(val)) else: try: mod = import_mod('lexor.command.%s' % name) if hasattr(mod, "DEFAULTS"): for var, val in mod.DEFAULTS.iteritems(): cfg[name][var] = os.path.expandvars(val) except ImportError: pass
def _update_from_file(cfg, name, cfg_file): "Helper function for get_cfg." if name in cfg_file: for var, val in cfg_file[name].iteritems(): cfg[name][var] = os.path.expandvars(val) def _update_from_arg(cfg, argdict, key): "Helper function for get_cfg." for var in cfg[key]: if var in argdict and argdict[var] is not None: cfg[key][var] = argdict[var]
[docs]def get_cfg(names, defaults=None): "Obtain settings from the configuration file." cfg = { 'lexor': { 'path': '' } } cfg_file = read_config() if 'lexor' in cfg_file: for var, val in cfg_file['lexor'].iteritems(): cfg['lexor'][var] = os.path.expandvars(val) cfg['lexor']['root'] = CONFIG['path'] if isinstance(names, list): for name in names: cfg[name] = dict() update_single(cfg, name) _update_from_file(cfg, name, cfg_file) else: if names != 'lexor': cfg[names] = dict() update_single(cfg, names, defaults) _update_from_file(cfg, names, cfg_file) if CONFIG['arg']: argdict = vars(CONFIG['arg']) if argdict['parser_name'] in cfg: _update_from_arg(cfg, argdict, argdict['parser_name']) _update_from_arg(cfg, argdict, 'lexor') CONFIG['arg'] = None return cfg
[docs]def set_style_cfg(obj, name, defaults): """Given an obj, this can be a Parser, Converter or Writer. It sets the attribute defaults to the specified defaults in the configuration file or by the user by overwriting values in the parameter defaults.""" obj.defaults = dict() if hasattr(obj.style_module, 'DEFAULTS'): mod_defaults = obj.style_module.DEFAULTS for var, val in mod_defaults.iteritems(): obj.defaults[var] = os.path.expandvars(str(val)) cfg_file = read_config() if name in cfg_file: for var, val in cfg_file[name].iteritems(): obj.defaults[var] = os.path.expandvars(val) if defaults: for var, val in defaults.iteritems(): obj.defaults[var] = val